Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Friday criticized the Central Government for its alleged interference in state universities through the University Grants Commission (UGC). Speaking at the unveiling of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s statue at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University on Republic Day, he condemned the Centre’s move to influence the appointment of Vice Chancellors, stating that it undermines the autonomy of universities.
Live: Hon'ble CM Sri.A.Revanth Reddy participates in The Unveling of Statue of Ambedkar at https://t.co/EYaytAJbx0 Ambedkar OU https://t.co/YgNNeffiZQ
— Revanth Reddy (@revanth_anumula) January 26, 2025
“The Centre is attempting to take away the state’s rights over universities. This conspiracy must be resisted. We will collaborate with other Chief Ministers to oppose the new UGC regulations, which are a direct attack on the Constitution,” Revanth Reddy said. He accused the Central Government of initiating a campaign against states and questioned, “If such policies continue, will the Constitution survive? Ambedkar’s vision clearly emphasized the division of powers. The Centre must immediately withdraw these UGC rules, or states will merely become nominal entities.”
The Chief Minister also alleged bias against Telangana in the Padma Awards. He revealed that the state had recommended prominent individuals, including Gaddar, Chukka Ramaiah, Andesri, Goreti Venkanna, and Jayadheer Tirumala Rao, but none were considered. In contrast, Andhra Pradesh received five awards. “This discrimination is unacceptable. I will write to the Central Government regarding this unfair treatment. However, we welcome the Padma Shri award for Manda Krishna Madiga,” he added.
Revanth Reddy further mentioned plans to increase the retirement age for professors to 65 years, emphasizing the state’s commitment to improving the education system.