Directed by Chandoo Mondeti, ‘Thandel’ marks the third collaboration between Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi. Produced by Bunny Vas under the Geetha Arts banner, the film is scheduled for release on February 7. The duo’s reunion after the success of Love Story has already sparked significant excitement among audiences.
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Drawing inspiration from true events in Srikakulam, the film revolves around the lives of fishermen and has a compelling narrative. Today the team unveiled trailer and it has garnered attention, drawing viewers in with its emotional and gripping storyline. Fans are eagerly anticipating the film’s release, looking forward to a powerful cinematic experience.
Love for his country. Love for his people. Love for Satya. ❤🔥
Mark your calendars, #ThandelTrailer arrives on January 28th 💥💥#Thandel Yuvasamrat @chay_akkineni @Sai_Pallavi92 @chandoomondeti @ThisIsDSP @GeethaArts #AlluAravind @TheBunnyVas @ThandelTheMovie…
— Geetha Arts (@GeethaArts) January 25, 2025
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