Aadhaar online services faced a nationwide outage on Thursday, stemming from technical issues within the UIDAI network. This disruption has had significant ramifications in Telangana, where registrations have been temporarily suspended, according to the Department of Stamps and Registrations.
Officials reported that the disruption began Thursday afternoon due to a technical snag, exacerbated by challenges in linking Aadhaar to registrations. Specifically, there were issues with eKYC verification in the UDIA system.
Efforts are underway with technical experts to resolve these issues promptly. Those affected by the suspension voiced frustration, stating they were unable to complete registration processes due to technical difficulties. Officials assured that once the technical issues are resolved, registrations will resume and pending applications will be processed.
Affected individuals in crowded registration centers were advised to return the following day, pending the resolution of technical challenges.
Nationwide Aadhaar service disruption impacts Telangana registrations