Hyderabad: A leopard sighting at the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State University in Rajendranagar on Sunday morning caused panic among locals and students. The big cat was first seen near the statue of Professor Jayashankar by walkers on campus, who alerted authorities. According to eyewitnesses, the leopard vanished into the nearby bushes upon noticing people.
Forest officials inspected the area and confirmed the presence of leopard paw prints. Following this, they set up traps to capture the animal. Officials suspect the leopard may have strayed from the reserve forest areas near Shamshabad, Gaganpahad, Himayatsagar, and Rajendranagar.
Locals in the surrounding villages have been advised to stay alert as authorities continue to monitor the situation. In a separate incident, a tiger was spotted in the Alluri Sitarama Raju district of Andhra Pradesh, sparking concern among locals. The tiger was seen on the Daralamma Ghat Road in GK Veedhi mandal by passengers traveling in a bus from Donkarai to Paderu.
Passengers managed to capture a video of the tiger crossing the road, which has since gone viral on social media.
With the Sankranti festival approaching, residents in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are growing anxious over the increasing sightings of big cats. Many have urged forest officials and government authorities to take immediate measures to ensure public safety.
Forest officials have assured that steps are being taken to track the movement of these animals and prevent any untoward incidents.
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