Former Chief Minister and BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) has filed a writ petition in the High Court challenging the establishment of the Telangana Electricity Commission, arguing that it violates principles of natural justice.
Justice Narasimha Reddy, along with the commission itself, has been named as respondents in the petition.
This move comes after KCR recently sent a detailed letter to the Justice Narasimha Reddy Commission regarding power purchase issues in Chhattisgarh, criticizing the inquiry as politically motivated.
It is learnt that KCR has been served notices by Justice Narasimha Reddy concerning the Chhattisgarh power purchase. The notices require a response by the 15th of this month, with earlier extensions granted until July 30 due to electoral commitments. The Congress government in Telangana has alleged corruption in power purchases during the previous administration, highlighting irregularities in a recent white paper released during the assembly session. Power Minister Bhatti Vikramarka has accused the previous government of significant corruption in these transactions, prompting the formation of a committee with a special judge to investigate the matter.
KCR challenges Telangana Electricity Commission in High Court