Narayanpet: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy accused KCR of attempting to undermine the Kodangal constituency. Speaking at a public meeting in Chandravancha village, Kosgi mandal, on Sunday, Revanth praised Tirupati Reddy, the Congress in-charge for Kodangal and his brother, for his selfless service. He said, “Without seeking any positions, Tirupati Reddy has been serving the people, while the BRS continues to criticize him unjustly. He has stood by the people of Kodangal, working tirelessly to resolve public issues.”
Revanth also dismissed allegations of family rule, stating, “Unlike Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao, I am not indulging in dynastic politics.”
During the event, CM Revanth Reddy inaugurated four government welfare schemes. He distributed Rythu Bharosa cheques to 734 farmers, assuring that all farmers would receive the funds credited to their accounts after midnight.
In a sharp remark, Revanth questioned, “If a village sarpanch not being present in the village warrants resignation, what about the opposition leader not attending Assembly sessions for 13 months?”
Revanth highlighted the fulfillment of election promises, stating that under the Rythu Bharosa scheme, farmers receive ₹12,000, and agricultural laborers are supported with an additional ₹12,000 under the *Indiramma Aatmiya Bharosa*. He also participated in the launch of schemes for Indiramma Housing, new ration card distributions, and other welfare programs.