Hyderabad: BJP MP Eatala Rajender has been booked in an assault case by the Pochampally police following a complaint lodged by security guard Gyar Upender. The complainant alleged that Rajender, along with 30 others, attacked him while he was on duty at Ekashila Nagar. The police have registered the case under multiple sections of the BNS Act, including 126(2), 115(2), 352, 351(2), r/w 189(2), and r/w 191(2).
Among those named in the complaint are Enugu Sudarshan Reddy, Shivareddy, Baswaraj, and Bubair Akram. The allegations have added to the political storm surrounding Rajender.
The incident reportedly occurred after local residents in Ekashila Nagar complained to Rajender about alleged land-grabbing activities by real estate brokers. Acting on the complaints, Rajender visited the area and expressed his anger at the brokers, accusing them of occupying land meant for the poor. Eyewitnesses claim that Rajender slapped a broker during the altercation, which has since drawn widespread attention.
ALSO READ: MP Eatala Rajender Slaps Real Estate Broker Over Land Grabbing Allegations
Speaking to the media, Rajender justified his actions, stating, “In my 25 years of political life, I have never resorted to physical confrontation. However, this time I had to act to ensure justice for the poor.” He also issued a stern warning to land-grabbers and promised to stand firmly against any illegal encroachments.
Rajender accused officials and brokers of colluding in the illegal occupation of land and criticized the government for failing to address the issue. “Police and officials are supporting brokers instead of protecting the rights of the poor,” he alleged. He demanded strict action against officials involved in forging false documents and called for their imprisonment.
The incident has sparked debates, with some questioning the BJP MP’s actions and others supporting his stance against alleged corruption in real estate dealings. The matter is currently under police investigation.