Armoor BJP MLA Paidi Rakesh Reddy has called on the Telangana government to ban Megha Company, alleging that the firm has been involved in large-scale corruption, siphoning off public wealth. In an exclusive interview with RTV, Reddy accused Megha Company of bribing officials to boost investments in Telangana. He also claimed that the company’s head, Megha Krishna Reddy, is the state’s biggest corrupt figure.
ALSO READ: KTR demands Congress to blacklist Megha Engineering
Rakesh Reddy further demanded the dissolution of Indiramma committees and criticized political posters that he believes were intended to target him. He alleged that former BRS MLA Jeevan Reddy and Congress leader Vinay Reddy were behind the posters, claiming they were attempting to undermine his political standing in the region.
In a bold statement, Rakesh Reddy announced that he would personally fund the construction of houses for the poor in the region if the government fails to deliver. He expressed confidence that he would be able to pressure the government to ensure sufficient housing for his constituency, Armoor. Should the government fail to allocate homes, he suggested that the taxes paid by local residents be refunded, stating that he would consider ruling Armur independently.
READ MORE: Smita Sabharwal on worlds biggest scam involving Megha Engineering
Rakesh Reddy’s full interview is available in the video below.