YSRCP leader Ambati Rambabu has issued a strong rebuttal to Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan’s remarks about ticket price hikes, made during the Game Changer pre-release event. In response to Pawan’s comments, Rambabu sarcastically remarked that their mindset does not involve seeking salutes from film stars. He also criticized Pawan Kalyan’s silence following the unjust arrest of a fellow actor, questioning why he remained silent for 27 days before speaking out.
Rambabu took to social media, stating: “We do not have the mindset of asking heroes to come and salute us, Pawan Kalyan. When a fellow actor was unjustly arrested, your nature was to stay silent for 27 days.” He also pointed out the double standards of those who supported individuals they favored while others were humiliated.
హీరోలు వచ్చి మాకు నమస్కారం పెట్టాలనే మనస్తత్వం మాది కాదు
— పవన్ కళ్యాణ్తోటి హీరోని అన్యాయంగా అరెస్టు చేస్తే
27 రోజులు నోరు విప్పకపోవడం
మీ స్వభావం @PawanKalyan— Ambati Rambabu (@AmbatiRambabu) January 4, 2025
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In his speech, Pawan Kalyan had expressed that his government does not wish for the film industry to be influenced by politics. He reassured that the NDA government, consisting of TDP, Janasena, and BJP, would continue to support Tollywood. Pawan emphasized that the Andhra Pradesh government holds the film industry in high regard and under the leadership of Chief Minister Chandrababu, the coalition government would foster the growth of the industry.
గురువు ఆజ్ఞ
శిష్యుడు అమలు
అల్లు అర్జున్ అరెస్టు
నా మాట కాదు.. ఇది జనం మాట!@ncbn @revanth_anumula @alluarjun— Ambati Rambabu (@AmbatiRambabu) December 14, 2024
Pawan further stated that, unlike the previous government, they would not invite film stars to raise ticket prices. He clarified that such price hikes would generate tax revenue for the state, and criticized some individuals for distorting the issue, suggesting that only filmmakers should be involved in discussions about the industry.
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