Mumbai is abuzz with excitement as the Ambani household hosts a lavish wedding ceremony set to span three extraordinary days for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Scheduled to culminate on Friday (July 12) at the prestigious Jio World Centre in Bandra Kurla Complex, this event has drawn celebrities and VVIP guests from around the globe.
The celebrations commenced back in March with a series of events including engagement ceremonies, pre-wedding festivities, sangeet, and haldi rituals, each more opulent than the last. Notably, the Ambani family has spared no expense, with accommodations even including three Palkan 2000 jets and over 100 aircraft to ferry guests to Mumbai.
The pre-wedding dinner, which captivated social media, is just a taste of what’s to come, as the Ambanis have now curated an extensive wedding feast featuring delicacies prepared by Varanasi’s renowned Kashi Chaat Bhandar. From kulfi to falooda, tikki to palak chaat, guests will be treated to a culinary extravaganza unlike any other.
In terms of scale, the pre-wedding celebrations alone reportedly incurred costs amounting to around Rs 1,260 crore, with expectations that the total expenditure for the wedding may reach up to Rs 1,500 crore. This monumental event follows in the footsteps of Mukesh Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani’s wedding, which previously set a benchmark with expenditures reaching Rs 700 crore. As Mumbai prepares for this unparalleled affair, the Ambani family’s meticulous arrangements promise an unforgettable union of luxury and tradition.
Anant Ambani-Radhika’s Rs 1,500 Crore Mumbai Wedding Spectacle