Director Chandu Mondeti’s upcoming film Thandel, starring Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, is generating a lot of buzz. Produced by Bunny Vas under the Geetha Arts banner, the movie features Sai Pallavi as the female lead. After the massive success of Love Story, their on-screen pairing has piqued the audience’s interest. The film is set to hit theaters on February 7.
Recently, the movie’s trailer was released, which is based on a real-life incident that took place in Srikakulam, revolving around the lives of fishermen. The trailer has captivated viewers, showcasing an intriguing narrative.
Love for his country. Love for his people. Love for Satya. ❤🔥
Mark your calendars, #ThandelTrailer arrives on January 28th 💥💥#Thandel Yuvasamrat @chay_akkineni @Sai_Pallavi92 @chandoomondeti @ThisIsDSP @GeethaArts #AlluAravind @TheBunnyVas @ThandelTheMovie…
— Geetha Arts (@GeethaArts) January 25, 2025
The trailer launch event took place at Sri Rama Picture Palace in Visakhapatnam, located on Rama Talkies Road, and was attended by the film’s lead actor Naga Chaitanya, director Chandu Mondeti, and producer Allu Aravind. However, Sai Pallavi could not attend the event due to health reasons. Allu Aravind shared that Sai Pallavi had been feeling unwell and was advised by doctors not to travel, as she was experiencing dizziness. He also mentioned that Sai Pallavi recorded her dubbing for the film despite being ill, with a video of this moment circulating online.