Hyderabad: Renowned Tollywood producer Dil Raju has found himself embroiled in controversy following comments made during the “Sankranti Ki Vostunnam” event, held in his hometown of Nizamabad. While addressing the audience, Dil Raju remarked, “In Andhra, the vibe is all about cinema, but here, our people associate vibe with liquor and mutton.” These comments quickly sparked criticism on social media, with many accusing him of disrespecting the people and culture of Telangana.
Prominent political figures, including BRS leader Desapathi Srinivas, also expressed their displeasure, claiming that Dil Raju’s words belittled Telangana’s social and cultural identity. The controversy quickly became a hot topic on social media platforms.
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#DilRaju garu has spoken out about the Nizamabad incident, offering his sincere apologies to anyone who may have been hurt. He has requested not to associate him with politics in any way. pic.twitter.com/X9W3grU8O0
— Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) January 11, 2025
In response to the backlash, Dil Raju issued a video clarification, stating that his comments were not meant to insult the people of Telangana. “I am from Telangana and hold deep respect for the culture here. I love Telangana culture and have a special affinity for the dawat (feast),” he said. He further clarified that during the event, he had mentioned missing the dawat and planned to visit after the release of his two upcoming films to enjoy one.
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He also highlighted his admiration for Telangana’s culture, saying, “With Fidaa, I showcased the culture of this region to the world, and with Balagam, we received widespread appreciation. How could I possibly speak ill of Telangana? If my words were misinterpreted and hurt anyone’s feelings, I sincerely apologize.”