Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently criticized former Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) for disrespecting the legendary folk singer and revolutionary, Gaddar. Speaking at the Praja Yuddha Nauka Gaddar Jayanti celebration on Friday, Revanth Reddy expressed his displeasure over an incident where KCR had allegedly made Gaddar wait outside his residence.
Revanth Reddy also issued a stern warning to BJP leader Bandi Sanjay for his derogatory remarks about Gaddar. Referring to Sanjay’s comments after Gaddar’s name was nominated for Padma awards, the Chief Minister sharply criticized him for belittling the singer’s legacy. “Gaddar’s family sacrificed everything for the people, and Gaddar never once slept peacefully, always fighting for the people,” Revanth Reddy said. He praised Gaddar’s continuous presence among the masses and his powerful voice, which inspired society.
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Revanth Reddy further challenged the BJP, stating that if such disrespectful comments continued, they would rename colonies near BJP offices with the name “Gaddar” as a tribute to the revolutionary. The Chief Minister emphasized that Gaddar had millions of fans, underscoring the widespread admiration for the singer.
In an act of recognition, Revanth Reddy announced the creation of prestigious awards named after Gaddar, and entrusted the responsibility of managing the awards to Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka.
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