A tragic incident unfolded at Hussainsagar Lake on Republic Day, leading to the death of two young individuals. The fire-related mishap occurred while a group of friends was participating in the “Bharat Mata Mahahaarathi” event, resulting in a drowning and severe burns.
Ajay (21), a final-year B.Tech student at Geetanjali Engineering College, was among the victims. He was accompanied by friends Sai Sandeep and Raghavendra. The group had gone to meet a businessman, Manikanth, to settle a previous financial dispute. After handing over the money, they proceeded to the lake, where fireworks were being set off. Tragically, a fire accident during the event caused the boat to overturn, and all passengers were thrown into the water.
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Sai Sandeep and Raghavendra managed to reach Gandhi Hospital around 2 AM, where they received medical attention. However, Ajay’s whereabouts remained unknown, prompting his family to contact the Lake police. The police launched an extensive search operation, with the involvement of DRF, NDRF, and fire personnel. After 45 hours of searching, Ajay’s body was recovered near Tank Bund on Tuesday evening.
In a related incident, another youth, Ganapati, sustained severe burns—80% of his body—while fireworks were being set off. He was admitted to Yashoda Hospital in Secunderabad but unfortunately passed away on Tuesday.
Authorities have assured that a full investigation will be conducted into the incidents to prevent such tragedies in the future.