According to the latest report released by YDR, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu ranks first in wealth among Indian Chief Ministers, with assets totaling Rs 931 crore. The list, based on affidavits submitted by political leaders during elections, reveals that Naidu has liabilities amounting to ₹10 crore. In addition, Naidu’s wife, Bhuvaneswari, holds assets worth Rs 895 crore, and when combined with his shares in Heritage Foods, Naidu’s total assets stand at Rs 931 crore.
On the other hand, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee ranks at the bottom of the list, with assets totaling just Rs 15 lakh, making her the poorest Chief Minister in India.
Following Naidu, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu occupies second place with assets of Rs 332 crore, while Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah holds Rs 51.93 crore, securing third place. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, with assets exceeding Rs 30 crore, ranks seventh, despite having a loan liability of Rs 1 crore.
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Other notable mentions include Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, with Rs 1.18 crore in assets, and Jammu and Kashmir’s Omar Abdullah, who has Rs 55 lakh in assets. Mamata Banerjee, with assets of Rs 15 lakh, remains at the bottom of the list.
The average assets of Chief Ministers across states and Union Territories stand at Rs 52.59 crore, with an average annual income of Rs 13,64,310. The combined wealth of all 31 Chief Ministers amounts to Rs 1,630 crore.
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Criminal Cases Against Chief Ministers
The report also highlights the Chief Ministers with the most criminal cases pending. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy leads the list with 89 pending cases, followed by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, who has 47 cases. Andhra Pradesh’s Chandrababu Naidu ranks third with 19 pending cases.
In terms of educational qualifications, 9 out of 31 Chief Ministers hold post-graduate degrees, and two have earned doctorates. Among the 31 Chief Ministers, only two women hold office: Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal and Atishi of Delhi.