Rashmika Mandanna and Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal star in the latest movie Chhava, based on the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Directed by Laxman Utekar, the film is set to release on February 14. Ahead of its release, the makers recently organized the trailer launch event.
During the event, Rashmika Mandanna made lighthearted remarks about retirement, which have since gone viral on social media. Speaking at the event, she said, “It is an honor to play the role of Sambhaji’s wife Yesubai in this movie. What more could I ask for? I could happily retire after this film,” she said.
Chhaava Trailer Launch: "After this film, I am happy enough to retire" – Rashmika Mandanna #ChhatrapatiSambhajiMaharaj #VickyKaushal #DineshVijan #LaxmanUtekar #RashmikaMandanna #Chhaava @vickykaushal09 @Laxman10072 @MaddockFilms @iamRashmika pic.twitter.com/xatvu3tDcw
— IWMBuzz (@iwmbuzz) January 22, 2025
Recently, Rashmika’s look as Maharani Yesubai from the movie was unveiled and received positive responses. Known for her pan-India fame post Pushpa, Rashmika is currently busy with multiple projects in both Tollywood and Bollywood.
In Bollywood, aside from Chhava, she is also working on Sikandar and Tham. On the Telugu front, she has The Girlfriend and Kubera lined up, keeping her packed with back-to-back releases.
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