Jadcharla MLA Anirudh Reddy’s silver-themed bedroom has become a subject of widespread discussion after a video showcasing its extravagant design went viral on social media. The room features an array of custom-made silver furniture, including sofas, chairs, a bed, and a dressing table. In a recent interview with a YouTube channel, Reddy shared details about the special interior design of his bedroom, which has sparked significant attention online.
పెట్టి పుట్టడమంటే ఇదేనేమో?
వెండితో బెడ్ చేయించుకున్న జడ్చర్ల కాంగ్రెస్ ఎమ్మెల్యే
మామూలుగా అయితే ఇంట్లో వెండి ప్లేట్లు, గ్లాసులు, పూజ సామాగ్రి చుసుంటాం.. కానీ ఆయన ఇంట్లో బెడ్, డైనింగ్ టేబుల్ సహా అన్నీ వెండితో చేయించినవే..,,
జడ్చర్ల కాంగ్రెస్ ఎమ్మెల్యే అనిరుధ్ రెడ్డి pic.twitter.com/TMjUVY8DJE
— Journalist Vijaya Reddy (@VijayaReddy_R) January 31, 2025
Anirudh Reddy, elected as an MLA for the first time in the 2024 Telangana Assembly Elections, has had a diverse professional career. Prior to entering politics, Reddy was a prominent businessman with several manufacturing units, and he also worked as a software engineer. His entry into politics followed a successful business career, and his luxurious bedroom design reflects his fondness for high-end aesthetics.
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