Hyderabad: Padma Rao Goud, the BRS MLA from Secunderabad, was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a heart attack during his recent visit to Dehradun. Family members confirmed that Goud suffered the cardiac event while in Dehradun, prompting an immediate transfer to a hospital where doctors performed tests and placed a stent. Medical professionals have stated that his health is now stable.
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Following the incident, BRS leaders rushed to his residence in Hyderabad on January 21, 2025. Concern spread among his supporters, but relief came once it was confirmed that his condition was not life-threatening.
BRS leadership has reportedly sought detailed updates on Goud’s health. A prominent leader within the party, Goud joined the TRS (now BRS) in 2001 and secured his first victory as the MLA for Secunderabad in 2004. He has continued to serve as an MLA for the constituency since 2014. Goud has also held significant positions, including serving as the Minister for Excise and Sports from 2014 to 2018 and as the Deputy Speaker in the Telangana Assembly in 2019.
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