Hyderabad: A violent shooting incident took place on Thursday in the busy Afzalgunj area of Hyderabad, resulting in a bus cleaner being injured. The altercation stemmed from a group of thieves who had earlier targeted an ATM cash van in Bidar, Karnataka. After looting the van and escaping with the money, the gang fled to Hyderabad.
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According to the reports, as Bidar police tracked the suspects to Hyderabad, the thieves, in a bid to evade arrest, fired three rounds at the officers. The shooting occurred inside a travel office in Afzalgunj, with one bullet striking a bus cleaner. The police quickly mobilized to capture the assailants, who were still hiding in the area.
Earlier, the gang had opened fire on security personnel during the robbery in Bidar, killing two on the spot. Following the theft, the criminals made their way to Hyderabad, where they continued to evade capture. Bidar police, after receiving intelligence, pursued the gang to the city, where they came under fire at Afzalgunj. The investigation is ongoing, with efforts to apprehend the criminals.
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