New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday in connection with a liquor policy case. The arrest followed an order from Judge Amitabh Rawat of the Rouse Avenue court. In light of these developments, Arvind Kejriwal withdrew his petition challenging the Delhi court’s decision in the Supreme Court.
Previously, the Rouse Avenue court had granted Kejriwal bail in a money laundering case, but this order was stayed by the high court. He had contested the high court’s decision in the Supreme Court but has since withdrawn his challenge. On March 21, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested him over allegations of money laundering linked to the liquor policy scam, and he is currently held in Tihar Jail.
On Wednesday morning, the CBI presented Kejriwal in the Rouse Avenue court, seeking his custody. The court approved the CBI’s request, allowing them to take Kejriwal into custody. The CBI had not officially arrested Arvind Kejriwal in the liquor policy case until the court granted permission at the request of the CBI counsel.
Arvind Kejriwal arrested by CBI in Liquor Policy Case