TV anchor Sreemukhi has issued a public apology after facing backlash for her remarks on Ram and Lakshman during the “Sankranthiki Vastunnam” trailer launch event in Nizamabad. The event was attended by prominent producers Dil Raju and Shirish, whom Sreemukhi compared to the mythological brothers. However, her reference to Ram and Lakshman as “fictional characters” drew sharp criticism from several Hindu organizations and netizens.
While hosting the event, Sreemukhi said, “We’ve always heard of Ram and Lakshman as fictional characters, but today we have Dil Raju and Shirish sitting right before us.” Though intended as a compliment, her remarks sparked outrage for allegedly hurting religious sentiments.
Backlash from Hindu Groups
Several Hindu organizations and social media users condemned her comments, accusing the anchor of disrespecting Hindu beliefs. Social media was flooded with posts demanding an apology from Sreemukhi.
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Sreemukhi’s Apology
In response to the backlash, Sreemukhi released a video statement expressing regret for her remarks. In the video, she said: “During a recent event I hosted, I mistakenly referred to Ram and Lakshman as fictional characters. I am a Hindu and a devotee of Lord Ram. I have immense faith in him. I realize my words have hurt people’s sentiments, and I sincerely apologize for my mistake. I promise to be more careful in the future. I hope you all forgive me. Jai Shri Ram.”
Mixed Reactions to the Apology
The apology video went viral on social media, with mixed reactions. While some netizens appreciated her prompt response, others continued to criticize her for making a comment they deemed offensive.