Hyderabad: The Telangana government has established a cabinet sub-committee to oversee the issuance of new ration cards across the state. Civil Supplies Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy has been appointed as the chairman of the committee, with Health Minister Damodar Rajanarasimha and Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy serving as members.
The committee is tasked with scrutinizing applications for new ration cards and recommending the appropriate modalities for their issuance. This move comes in response to the large number of residents who currently lack a white ration card, a crucial document for accessing various welfare schemes in the state.
Lakhs of people have already applied for new ration cards through the Public Administration application, and the committee’s work is eagerly awaited by those without a card, as it is vital for availing themselves of certain government benefits.
Telangana government forms Cabinet sub-committee for new ration cards issuance