India’s rising shooting star, Manu Bhaker, is on the brink of securing her place at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Bhaker, who has already clinched two medals in previous international competitions, delivered an impressive performance on Friday, finishing in the top two of the women’s 25m pistol qualification.
In the precision round, Bhaker scored 294 points, placing her among the top three. She followed up with a strong showing in the rapid round, scoring 100 points. This performance catapulted her into the second spot with a total of 590 points.
A medal finish in the final on Saturday would not only secure her Olympic berth but also mark a historic hat-trick of medals for India at the Olympics. In the same category, Indian shooter Isha Singh finished 18th with a score of 581.
Manu Bhaker advances to final for Paris Olympics 2024