Hyderabad: Former Chief Minister KCR convened with party workers on Thursday, delivering a resolute message amidst recent developments. During his address, KCR asserted the steadfastness of the party’s mission and resilience in face of challenges.
“Just because some individuals choose to leave the party, it will not diminish our strength,” KCR affirmed. “Parties nurture leaders, and leaders come and go. Such transitions are part of our political landscape, as history reflects.”
Reflecting on the party’s enduring journey, spanning 25 years, KCR underscored its ongoing momentum and vowed continued public support. “Our journey continues unabated. The trust and backing of the people will propel us forward, surpassing past achievements,” he declared optimistically.
KCR’s address to party members resonated with a commitment to uphold and strengthen the party’s influence, reaffirming resilience and determination amidst evolving political dynamics.
Former CM KCR addresses party workers, affirms strong leadership