A tragic incident unfolded at Kondapochamma Sagar in Markook Mandal, Siddipet district, when five out of seven young individuals drowned while attempting to take a selfie in the water. The two survivors narrowly escaped. The deceased victims were identified by the police as residents of the Malkajgiri area in Hyderabad.
The group of young individuals had traveled to Kondapochamma Sagar to enjoy swimming. While playing in the water, five members of the group tragically drowned, while two others managed to escape unharmed. Upon receiving information about the incident, local police arrived at the scene and transferred the bodies to a nearby hospital for post-mortem.
విషాదానికి ముందు రిజర్వాయర్లో సరదాగా గడిపిన యువకులు#KondapochammaSagar #Telangana #RTV https://t.co/wingoGiORM pic.twitter.com/UoNWoQQHfv
— RTV (@RTVnewsnetwork) January 11, 2025
Identified Victims:
1. Dhanush (20 years old, son of Nursing)
2. Lohith (17 years old, son of Nursing; Dhanush’s brother)
3. Cheekatla Dineshwar (17 years old, son of Kishan; from Bansilalpet near Kawadiguda)
4. Sahil (19 years old, son of Deepak Suthar)
5. Jatin (17 years old, son of Gopinath; from Khairatabad, Chintal Basti)
1. Komari Mriganth (17 years old, son of Venugopal; from Malkajgiri, Ramnagar)
2. Md Ibrahim (20 years old, son of Md Hassan)
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy expressed his deep condolences over the incident and ordered the deployment of expert swimmers for rescue operations. He further instructed district authorities to stay on the ground to monitor the situation and take necessary measures to assist the survivors and manage the situation effectively.
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