In a major development, the Mumbai Crime Branch has appointed renowned encounter specialist Daya Nayak to lead the investigation into the recent attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. This move has garnered attention due to Daya Nayak’s prominent role in tackling high-profile criminal cases in Mumbai.
The attack on Saif occurred on the early morning of January 16, when an assailant armed with a knife entered Saif’s residence in Bandra. Despite the efforts of Saif’s staff to thwart the intruder, the assailant attacked Saif from behind with a sharp weapon while he was attempting to protect his family. Saif sustained six stab wounds, as confirmed by doctors at Leelavati Hospital.
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The Mumbai police have launched a comprehensive investigation into the case. Appointing Daya Nayak to handle the case has generated significant interest, given his reputation for successfully handling notorious underworld cases. Daya Nayak, who was previously instrumental in investigating organized crime in Mumbai, is now tasked with solving this high-profile case, with speculations surrounding his approach.
A seasoned officer, Daya Nayak joined the Mumbai police in 1995 and gained recognition after his first encounter, which resulted in widespread fear among criminals. Over the years, he has conducted several encounters, making him a key figure in Mumbai’s fight against organized crime. Although he was arrested in connection with corruption allegations, Daya remains one of the most recognized names in the police force.
With Daya Nayak’s involvement in the investigation, anticipation continues to grow regarding the resolution of the case and his approach to handling the attack on Saif Ali Khan.
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