The Telangana BJP finds itself discussing MLA Raja Singh’s absence from its high-profile Musi Nidra campaign. Notably, the MLA was missing from all major segments of the campaign, including those held in Amberpet, Old City, and Boduppal. Speculation suggests that BJP leadership has sidelined Raja Singh, leaving him out of consideration for party activities.
Rising Frustration with the Party
Reports indicate Raja Singh has been increasingly discontent with the state BJP leadership. His disappointment stems from being overlooked for the BJP Legislative Party leader post despite winning as an MLA three times. Claiming to be the sole BJP MLA representing Greater Hyderabad, he has demanded a key position, even expressing aspirations for the state president role.
While his active involvement in the party has waned, Raja Singh continues to make sharp attacks on the AIMIM whenever the opportunity arises. His absence from Musi Nidra and his ongoing demands highlight the growing rift between the MLA and the BJP leadership.