Telangana Chief Minister K. Revanth Reddy has called for the posthumous conferral of the Bharat Ratna on former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. In a special session of the Telangana Legislative Assembly, Revanth Reddy paid tribute to Singh following his passing, highlighting his exceptional contributions to the nation.
Revanth Reddy recalled Singh’s distinguished career, noting his pivotal roles as an advisor to the Union Ministry of Finance, RBI Governor, Deputy Chairman, and Finance Minister. He also highlighted Singh’s tenure as Prime Minister, during which he led the country with integrity and vision.
Revanth emphasized that Singh’s work in the economic sector significantly strengthened India’s economy. He credited Singh with bringing critical reforms, including the Right to Information (RTI), employment initiatives, and the introduction of Aadhaar. The Chief Minister also praised Singh’s unwavering integrity, stating that no one today could match his level of honesty.
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Recalling that the dream of a separate Telangana state was realized during Singh’s tenure as Prime Minister, Revanth Reddy underscored the role Singh played in shaping the nation’s economic landscape through policies such as the LPG reforms, which reinforced India’s financial system.
The Chief Minister also highlighted Singh’s enactment of the Land Acquisition Act in 2013, which ensured justice for the underprivileged, and his contributions to the growth of the IT sector. Revanth announced that a statue of Manmohan Singh would be installed in the Financial District as a tribute to his enduring legacy.
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