Chief Minister Chandrababu has issued a strong warning, stating that there will be no leniency for officials involved in irregularities within the state. Addressing the media after receiving public representations at the TDP central office on Saturday, he emphasized that most complaints pertained to revenue-related issues and assured that strict action would be taken against the responsible officials. “Our aim is to resolve all grievances,” Chandrababu declared, highlighting the priority given to addressing revenue-related complaints.
Chandrababu accused the YSRCP government of tampering with records, leading to land scams surfacing in every mandal. He assured that priority would be given to handling revenue-related complaints in each district. “The revenue department was dismantled under the previous government,” he noted, citing the Madanapalle incident as an example of the department’s inefficiency.
Chandrababu announced plans to streamline the revenue department within 100 days, promising a thorough cleanup. He vowed to take strict action against land grabbers and to resolve issues by dividing them into sections. To facilitate the process, Chandrababu mentioned that alternative arrangements would be made to avoid the need for people to travel to Amaravati to file complaints. Complaints will be received at the constituency and district levels, ensuring no disruptions during his tours.
“Our department-wise reviews are yielding good results,” Chandrababu concluded, underscoring his commitment to effective governance and swift resolution of public grievances.
CM Chandrababu issues stern warning on state irregularities