Prominent producer and Telangana Congress leader Bandla Ganesh has responded to Vijay Sai Reddy’s recent announcement on his ‘X’ account regarding his decision to step away from politics. Ganesh criticized the trend among political leaders to enjoy power during prosperous times and abandon it when faced with challenges. He questioned, “Is this Dharma?”
అధికారం ఉన్నప్పుడు అనుభవించి కష్టాల్లో ఉన్నప్పుడు వదిలేయడం వదిలి వెళ్ళిపోవడం చాలా మంది రాజకీయ నాయకులకి ఫ్యాషన్ అయిపోయింది ,ఇది ధర్మమా……!
— BANDLA GANESH. (@ganeshbandla) January 24, 2025
This response comes amid the backdrop of a past Twitter war between Ganesh and Vijay Sai Reddy. The timing of Ganesh’s remarks on Reddy’s political exit has drawn significant attention.
ALSO READ: Vijay Sai Reddy Announces Permanent Retirement from Politics