The issuance of hall tickets for Telangana Intermediate students has been disrupted due to a technical issue in the CGG portal, causing anxiety among many students. Amid the confusion, the Telangana Inter Board has issued a crucial announcement.
Students Allowed to Write Exams Without Hall Tickets
The board has directed that students must be allowed to appear for exams even if they have not received their hall tickets. Officials have been instructed to prepare separate lists of students who have paid the exam fee, those who have not, and those whose hall tickets have not yet been generated.
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Hall Tickets Directly to Mobile Numbers
In a major relief, the board has announced that students will no longer need to visit colleges or download hall tickets from the website. Instead, hall tickets will now be sent directly to students’ registered mobile numbers via a link, which they can click to download their hall tickets.
Exam Season Begins
Meanwhile, Intermediate first-year practical exams commenced today, followed by theory exams. Officials confirmed that hall tickets have already been sent to students’ mobile numbers.
From February 3, practical exams for second-year students will begin, and their hall tickets will also be sent soon. Around 9.50 lakh students in Telangana are set to appear for the annual exams starting March 5.
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