Hyderabad: Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has revisited his critically acclaimed film Satya, 27 years after its release, sharing an emotional note on social media about its impact on his career and his personal reflections as a director. The iconic crime drama, starring JD Chakravarthy and Manoj Bajpayee, remains a landmark in Indian cinema.
In his post, RGV revealed, “I watched Satya again after 27 years, and tears rolled down my eyes unknowingly. The memories of events following the film’s release overwhelmed me. Directing a film is akin to giving birth to a child. Once it is out, people interpret it in their own ways.”
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He acknowledged that despite the success or failure of his projects, he continued moving forward but admitted regret over not setting Satya as a benchmark for his future works. “Watching Satya brought back many memories and made me question why I didn’t use it as a standard for my later films. Tears came, not out of sadness, but from the joy of having directed such a masterpiece. However, I feel I let down the trust people had in me by not making films of similar quality,” he wrote.
—— Ram Gopal VarmaBy the time SATYA was rolling to an end , while watching it 2 days back for 1st time after 27 yrs, I started choking with tears rolling down my cheeks and I dint care if anyone would see
The tears were not…— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 20, 2025
RGV also opened up about the arrogance he developed after successes like Satya and Rangeela, attributing it to misplaced pride. “Until I watched Satya again, I didn’t fully understand its greatness. My overconfidence, fueled by these successes, led me to make films without meaningful stories. The industry gave me countless opportunities, but I failed to recognize their value,” he added.
Looking ahead, Varma expressed a renewed commitment to his craft. “While I cannot change what I have done in the past, I am determined to create films that enhance my respect as a director. If not another Satya, I will strive to make films that come close to its caliber,” he concluded. The emotional note underscores Varma’s introspection and dedication to reclaiming his stature in the film industry.
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