Tirupati: Minister Nara Lokesh has responded to the recent stampede tragedy that occurred during the Vaikuntha Ekadashi celebrations in Tirupati, which led to the deaths of six devotees. Lokesh addressed the demand for an apology made by Pawan Kalyan, the leader of Jana Sena Party, stating that it was a personal decision by Pawan Kalyan.
Lokesh clarified that the demand for an apology from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Chairman was not connected to the Telugu Desam Party (TDP). He further emphasized that the demand was a matter of personal opinion and not a party stance.
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Following the incident, Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan had expressed his condolences and apologized to the affected devotees. He also urged the TTD Chairman and officials to issue an apology. The TTD Chairman later apologized for the incident.
Lokesh, during the NTR death anniversary event in Hyderabad, was questioned by the media about Kalyan’s call for an apology. He reiterated that it was Pawan Kalyan’s personal decision and not one that reflected the views of the TDP.
The comments have sparked discussions within the TTD and Jana Sena Party, with political observers now keenly awaiting how Jana Sena will respond officially to Lokesh’s remarks.
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