Hyderabad: Former minister and BRS working president K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) faced another unexpected setback after police conducted a surprise raid on a hotel reportedly owned by his relative. In a dramatic operation, around 35 personnel from the Narcotics Control Team and SOT (Special Operations Team) stormed into Hotel Serai Grande in Gachibowli, jumping walls and blocking entry and exit points in a movie-like scene.
The raid was conducted by Rayadurgam and Madhapur police based on information about alleged drug-related activities and other illegal operations at the hotel. Police reportedly inspected tourists and customers who had booked rooms in the hotel. However, sources indicate that the search did not yield any incriminating evidence, and the police left the premises. Further details on the incident are awaited.
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KTR Criticizes Megha Engineering Over Retaining Wall Collapse
Meanwhile, KTR lashed out at Megha Engineering for negligence that led to the collapse of a retaining wall in Sunkishala. He claimed the incident caused a loss of Rs 80 crore in public funds and jeopardized a crucial water project aimed at meeting Hyderabad’s growing drinking water demands.
KTR accused the Congress-led government of withholding the vigilance report on the incident under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. He condemned the lack of transparency, calling it a grave injustice to the public.
“The government’s refusal to disclose the report indicates fear of exposing construction flaws. Hiding this information is as good as admitting the mistake,” KTR remarked, demanding the immediate release of the report to ensure accountability.