Jogi Rajeev, the son of former minister Jogi Ramesh, has been remanded to judicial custody by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) court in connection with the Agrigold land deal case. The court has ordered his detention until the 23rd of this month. Rajeev was arrested earlier today by the Crime Investigation Department (CID) in relation to alleged irregularities involving the Ambapuram Agrigold land deal.
A total of nine individuals have been implicated in this case. In addition to Rajeev, the court has also remanded surveyor Ramesh to judicial custody. Both Rajeev and Ramesh have been moved to Vijayawada District Jail.
Rajeev is designated as Accused No. 1 (A1) in the Agrigold land deal case, while former minister Jogi Ramesh is listed as Accused No. 2 (A2). The ACB has filed charges against them under sections 420, 409, 467, 471, and 120(b) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Following a search at Jogi Ramesh’s residence, Rajeev was taken into custody and later presented in court after a medical examination at Government General Hospital (GGH), Vijayawada.
Jogi Rajeev remanded in Agrigold land deal case