Hyderabad: A Republic Day celebration organized by Bharat Mata Foundation at People’s Plaza Grounds, Necklace Road, was marred by a fire accident on Friday evening. The incident occurred during the ‘Bharat Mata Maha Harathi’ program, which was attended by prominent dignitaries including Telangana Governor Jishnu Dev Varma, music composer M.M. Keeravani, and Naga Phani Sharma.
Fireworks lit as part of the festivities went astray, landing on two buses parked nearby. Both buses caught fire, but all 15 passengers onboard managed to escape unhurt. Immediate rescue efforts at the site ensured the flames were contained, preventing further escalation.
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana | A boat catches fire in Hussain Sagar Lake. More details awaited. pic.twitter.com/5Qg1VoYdOj
— ANI (@ANI) January 26, 2025
Officials confirmed that no injuries were reported, and the passengers were evacuated safely. Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the mishap. Meanwhile, rescue teams remain on-site to monitor the situation and ensure no residual risks.
The Republic Day event, intended as a grand celebration, was disrupted by the unfortunate incident, but timely interventions prevented a major disaster. Further updates on the situation are awaited.