BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri, who is contesting from Delhi’s Kalkaji Assembly constituency, has come under fire for his controversial remarks about Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi. Speaking at a public event, Bidhuri made objectionable comments, stating that he would make the roads in Kalkaji as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks, referencing roads in Bihar and a past promise by Lalu Yadav that he claimed was never fulfilled.
The video of these comments quickly went viral on social media, sparking outrage from Congress leaders. Supriya Shrinate, a senior Congress leader, responded by condemning Bidhuri’s comments, labeling them as a reflection of his “ugly mindset” towards women. Shrinate took to social media to express her disapproval, stating, “The BJP is extremely anti-women. Ramesh Bidhuri’s statement about Priyanka Gandhi is not only shameful but also reveals his disgusting attitude towards women. His comments reflect the true face of the BJP.”
BJP घोर महिला विरोधी है
रमेश बिधूड़ी का प्रियंका गांधी जी के संदर्भ में दिया बयान शर्मनाक ही नहीं उनकी औरतों के बारे में कुत्सित मानसिकता दिखाता है
लेकिन जिस आदमी ने सदन में अपने साथी सांसद को गंदी गालियां दी हों, और कोई सज़ा ना मिली हो उससे और क्या उम्मीद की जा सकती है?…
— Supriya Shrinate (@SupriyaShrinate) January 5, 2025
The remarks have drawn sharp criticism, with many questioning the BJP’s stance on women’s issues. In the same context, the BJP recently released its first list of 29 candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, with former MP Parvesh Verma contesting against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal from New Delhi. Ramesh Bidhuri is competing in the Kalkaji constituency, and eight senior leaders from Congress and AAP have joined the BJP’s candidate list.
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