Mumbai: Monalisa, who gained widespread attention for her striking features while selling Rudraksha beads at the Prayagraj Maha Kumbh Mela, is set to enter Bollywood. Director Sanoj Mishra has officially confirmed her debut in his upcoming film, “The Diary of Manipur.”
As part of the casting process, Mishra personally visited Monalisa’s home in Maheshwar, Khargone district, to meet her family. He addressed her father Jai Singh Bhonsle’s concerns about the industry and assured him of a promising career. Following the discussion, her father granted permission for her to pursue acting. Mishra later shared the update via a social media video.
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Big-Screen Entry with a Rs 20 Crore Production
Monalisa will portray the daughter of a retired army officer in The Diary of Manipur, a film that blends romance with socio-political themes. The project, backed by a Rs 20 crore budget, is set to commence production next month, with Monalisa joining the shoot in April.
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Director Sanoj Mishra, known for films like “Gandhi Giri,” “The Diary of Bengal,” “Kashi to Kashmir,” and “Ram Ki Janmabhoomi,” has completed 12 feature films to date. Reports indicate that the film will also introduce Amit Rao, brother of Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao, as the lead.