A shocking incident occurred during an international cricket match on Tuesday. As part of the Under-19 World Cup, a match between Ireland and Zimbabwe was being held at Queen’s Park Oval. Just as the match entered its sixth over, an earthquake struck suddenly. The ground shook for approximately 20 seconds, causing the cameras on the field to wobble. Even the commentary box experienced tremors. Authorities confirmed that the earthquake measured 5.2 on the Richter scale.
Earthquake at Queen's Park Oval during U19 World Cup match between @cricketireland and @ZimCricketv! Ground shook for approximately 20 seconds during sixth over of play. @CricketBadge and @NikUttam just roll with it like a duck to water! pic.twitter.com/kiWCzhewro
— Peter Della Penna (@PeterDellaPenna) January 29, 2022
Despite the disturbance, the match continued without interruption. Officials explained that the earthquake, which originated near the Port of Spain coastline, caused minor tremors at Queen’s Park Oval. Commentator Andrew mentioned, “When the earthquake occurred, the tremors were stronger than the ones we feel when a train passes by. The cameras and media center at the ground were shaking.”