In a landmark ruling, Sealda Court sentenced Sanjay Roy, the accused in the Kolkata junior doctor rape and murder case, to life imprisonment. The court also imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on Roy and directed the West Bengal government to compensate the victim’s family with Rs 17 lakh. This verdict was delivered 162 days after the tragic incident and followed the testimonies of 102 witnesses during the trial.
The case stems from the brutal crime on August 9, 2024, when Sanjay Roy, a police volunteer, raped and murdered a 31-year-old trainee doctor at RGK Medical College. The victim had been working a night shift at the hospital and had gone to rest in a seminar hall, where her body was later discovered in a state of extreme distress.
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Sanjay Roy denied all allegations, claiming that he was coerced into confessing the crime and that the police had pressured him into signing a false confession. He further claimed that he had been framed in the case by an IPS officer and insisted that he had not committed the crime.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), representing the prosecution, called for the death penalty, arguing that Roy had destroyed the victim’s future and dreams of becoming an IPS officer. The CBI also emphasized the brutal nature of the crime and the lasting impact it had on the victim’s family.
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Despite the severity of the charges, the victim’s parents expressed dissatisfaction with the investigation, accusing the CBI of not thoroughly examining the case. They claimed that other potential perpetrators were not investigated and arrested.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed support for the death penalty in the case, calling for justice for the victim. However, Roy’s defense team continues to oppose the death sentence, requesting a lesser punishment. The court is expected to finalize the sentence shortly.