Tensions within the Manchu family have taken a new turn as actor Manchu Manoj is reportedly seeking political backing to resolve ongoing disputes with his father, Mohan Babu, and brother, Manchu Vishnu. According to sources, Manoj is set to join the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), bolstered by his recent discussions with Nara Lokesh, the son of TDP leader N. Chandrababu Naidu. Manoj’s move is further supported by his wife Bhooma Mounika’s wife Akhilapriya, a TDP MLA.
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The family feud, which has involved several confrontations, has escalated, with Manoj and his family members now turning to political support. Manoj’s decision to approach TDP is seen as a strategic move to gain leverage amid the ongoing property disputes.
Rocking Star @HeroManoj1 received a grand welcome from fans as he arrived at Renigunta Airport from Hyderabad. ✨#RockingStar #ManchuManoj pic.twitter.com/jwxofKkjTj
— 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐫 (@UrsVamsiShekar) January 15, 2025
A recent flex display at Mohan Babu’s university in Tirupati, featuring photos of both Mohan Babu and Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, suggests the family’s continued association with TDP, despite previous tensions with the party. Manoj’s meeting with Nara Lokesh, lasting over 45 minutes, marks a significant step towards his political alignment with TDP.
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With his wife’s sister Bhuma Akhila Priya’s political affiliation and his long-standing ties with Lokesh, Manoj’s potential entry into the TDP is stirring political discussions. Despite the ongoing rift within the family, Manoj is positioning himself within the political landscape, with speculation growing about his future role within the party.